An Industry Built On Reliability and Longevity
Today’s bearings industry is a variant-rich space that requires versatile cold form tooling solutions to create high-quality dies for long-term use. For example, crimping dies — which are used to roll over bearings — require precisely manufactured carbide inserts to produce bearings that are both reliable and durable.

Complete Bearings Assemblies for a Wide Range of Applications
At Header, we produce complete bearings assemblies for both tapered roller bearings and ball bearings. Our experience and knowledge with both bearings types help customers eliminate their internal tool room to save time and resources. Our complete bearings packages include feed rolls, quills, cutters or knives, and die assemblies, and our team also has the ability to rework dies to increase the service life of your tools and reduce your costs.
Our state-of-the-art CNC machines help our machinists maintain consistent dimensions for a variety of critical tooling elements such as depth, diameter, angles, radii, and more to help manufacturers create custom bearings for a wide spectrum of industry applications.
In addition to the production of new die assemblies…
We also offer die reloading services to help customers maintain production programs while new dies are being produced. With our robust inventory of casings, our technicians can accurately and quickly produce new dies while old ones are en route to our production facility to reduce lead times and cut costs by up to 40% per assembly. Plus, our computerized CNC machines create a quality, consistent product for a plug-and-play solution that keeps customers running 24/7, 365. With the ability to produce custom parts for a variety of unique applications, our technicians will help ensure your machines operate at peak performance.
What Are Taper Roller Bearings?
What Are Ball Bearings?
See what we can do for you today!